
Safer Internet Centre

KS1 E-safety

Use the link below to watches videos on: Keeping Personal Information Private, Why do websites want personal information?, Identify where to go for help and support when concerned, What are the dangers of sharing photos online?, People are not always who they say they are when online and keep personal information provide, Can we trust everything we find on the internet?, Why is it important to be responsible on the internet? and Why is it important to respect people?


KS2 E-safety

The following links are to help children use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.

Years 3/4


Year 5/6

How do we communicate and share content online safely, responsibly and respectfully.


This website has several different areas which are useful, including Know It All, Sorted and Parents' Support.
   "digital citizen"
Information about using social network and social media sites creatively and safely.

This is a central space - linked to from social networks across the Web - for learning about safety on "Web 2.0" together. Our forum is also designed to give teens and parents a voice in the public discussion about youth online safety.

"WiredSafety provides help, information and education to Internet and mobile device users of all ages. We help victims of cyberabuse ranging from online fraud, cyberstalking and child safety, to hacking and malicious code attacks. We also help parents with issues, such as MySpace and cyberbullying."

Insafe is a network of national nodes that coordinate internet safety awareness in Europe. The network is set up and co-funded within the framework of the European Commission's Safer Internet plus Programme.

A site all about the potential dangers on interactive services online like chat, IM, online games, email and on mobiles... read TRUE STORIES and find out how to chat SAFELY...

Kidsmart is an award winning practical internet safety programme website for schools, young people, parents and agencies.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre is part of UK police and is dedicated to protecting children from sexual abuse wherever they may be.


Snapchat Guide for Parents:



Twitch - online safety guide

As part of the #WakeUpWednesday campaign, a free online safety guide has been created for parents and carers about Twitch; an online gaming-focused live streaming service, owned by Amazon, which has over 15 million daily active users! 

Twitch is a popular platform for online gaming enthusiasts. With young children and teenagers frequenting the platform, it is important for parents and trusted adults to be aware of the associated risks, including, but is not limited to; uncensored material, unwanted contact from strangers, online bullying, live streaming and online payments.

The following links will take you to the safety guide:

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/natonlinesafety/status/1067809053865402373
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/NationalOnlineSafety/photos/a.1681508315488685/1924624341177080/?type=3&theater

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