Kingfishers 2024 - 2025

Miss Gabriel


Class Teacher: Lisa Gabriel supported by Mrs Wood.

Kingfisher Bird Facts - AZ Animals

Welcome to Kingfishers!

We are a class of year 1 and 2 children.

Kingfishers class works closely with Robins class to ensure that the needs of all children in the class are met and the children have a wide variety of learning opportunities. On Monday's both classes come together and are taught by Mrs Roberts supported by Mrs Wood. 


Homework will be set on a Monday, to be returned the following Monday. If you require a printed copy, please let a memeber of staff know. 

Outdoor learning

On Wednesday afternoons children will participate in an outdoor learning session in the forest area as part of our Science lesson. We believe it will inspire curiosity and investigation enabling children to find a love for learning. Additionally, we believe it supoports childrens emotional and physical well-being. 

Please can children come in wellies, warm clothing (that you do not mind getting dirty), with waterproofs if you have them and a spare set of clothing in their bag. We do have some wellingtons in school so not to worry if you forget them or you are welcome to bring your own and leave them at school.


Physical Education

This year PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Please come to school in your PE kits on these days. 



1) Miss Gabriel  email: or through Teams Chat

2)  School Office      Tel: 0151 336 3396


Just a little reminder about attendance – school can’t authorise term-time holidays and ten consecutive missed register marks or ten missed register marks (not consecutive) in a rolling ten-week period will result in fixed penalty notices. Please see: Working together to improve school attendance - GOV.UK ( 


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