Geography and History


The curriculum has been designed so that our pupils study a range of different geography topics across each Key Stage in order to meet the National Curriculum outcomes. Pupils will learn about the local area, the UK and the Wider World. Through these topics they have the opportunity to further their locational knowledge as well as develop their geographical skills. Progression of learning is planned for and prior learning (both knowledge and skill) is built in to each topic. Where possible cross curricular links are built in to our topics too. 

We make learning interesting by using a variety of different approaches in practical learning oportunities, wherever possible engaging children in outdoor learning opportnities, fieldwork studies and experiential learning opportunties. 

Through Geography we interweave our drivers in as many ways as possible.  For example:

Communicators: Children will explore how to communicate their learning in a range of ways. They will be able to present data that they have gathered in a range of ways as well as creating maps to show the world around them in different ways. They will use different forms of technology to share their learning as well as voice their opinions about differences, changes and others’ viewpoints.

Explorers: Children will explore the world around them, from school, to the Wirral and to the whole world. They will learn what life is like in different countries and how this compares to their own life. They will undertake a range of field work which will help strengthen their knowledge of human and physical elements of Geography.

Reading: We encourage children to read information that they are given about their specific topics and become good researchers. They will be introduced to fiction and non-fiction books that give then information about their area of study. High quality and technical vocabulary will be used with pupils throughout their lessons too.

Believers: All children will be encouraged to believe that they can explore the whole world. We will aim to inspire and motivate children to understand their place in the world and how they can impact on it for example when looking at climate change.

Through these drivers and the delivery of the Geography curriculum we want our children to have a sound understanding of the world around them: what the world around them (locally and further afield) looks like; the similarities and links between and within countries and the natural processes that form the land. They will have a sound understanding of geographical terms and be able to know how they can play a part in the world.


The curriculum has been designed so that our pupils study a range of different history topics across each Key Stage in order to meet the National Curriculum outcomes. In Key Stage One children learn to understand about then and now, making comparisons about people and times in History as well as a significant event. This is extended in Key Stage Two where pupils begin to look at British History in chronological order as well as other key periods in History.  There is time to discover how key events have impact on life today. Through these topics they have the opportunity to look at local history as well as historical periods across the world. Progression of learning is planned for and prior learning (both knowledge and skill) is built in to each topic. Where possible cross curricular links are built in to our topics too. 

Learning is made interesting with a variety of different approaches in practical learning oportunities, where possible bringing History to life experiential learning activities.  

Through History we interweave our drivers in as many ways as possible.  For example:

Communicators:  Children will explore how to communicate their learning in a range of ways. They will be able to present information that they have learnt as well as their opinions using a range of different technologies. They will be encouraged to give their viewpoints in a way that is respectful to others.

Explorers: Children will explore the History around them and in the wider world. They will learn where they fit in and what changes the world has gone through. Where possible, we will seek a wide range of different resources for children to learn from e.g. Roman’s Box from the Grosvenor Museum as well as taking them on visits to further their knowledge and foster interest.

Reading:  Reading in History plays a key role for learning new information. They will be given a range of sources in different forms from which they can gather facts. The use of high quality texts will allow children to immerse in the life of the past. They will learn vocabulary that links to the topic around them.

Believers:  All children through learning about the events of the past will be encouraged to know how their actions and the impacts of others can change the world around them.  

Through these drivers and the delivery of the History curriculum we want our children to sound understanding of how life has changed over the years and how events in History have impacted on life today. We want our children to investigate and question what they learn and understand how they can make changes to our future