Eagles 2024 - 2025
Mr Orford
Mr Orford is the teacher in Eagles class.
Mrs Parkinson is our fantastic teaching assistant for Eagles class.
Please use the following link if you are a parent and need to connect to your child's class dojo. Your request will be verified by Mr Orford
Class Dojo Parent Link (Click here)
In English this half-term, we will be exploring the Legend that is, Beowulf. This unit links wonderfully to our Anglo-Saxons and Vikings topic and allows us to explore using features such as: expanded noun phrases, dialogue, verb forms, multi-clausal sentences and our use of paragraphs around a theme. This unit will lead us to write an independent version of an adventure that Beowulf will go on.
In Maths, we shall be exploring the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Our Science topic for this half term shall be animals including humans. Throughout this topic, we shall be working towards being able to: plan different enquiry types, take measurements, record data, make predictions and explore scientific evidence to help us describe the changes as humans develop to old age.
Our new History and Geography topic is going to be all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings!! We shall be exploring the historical element of when, how and why the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings came to meet as well as looking at locations that these encounters and invasions took place.
Our Art and D.T. lessons will be linked to our Anglo-Saxon and Viking theme - creating, designing and producing a viking purse.
In P.E., the children will cover throwing and jumping as well as dance/gymnastics.
Kind regards
Mr Orford
Just a little reminder about attendance – school can’t authorise term-time holidays and ten consecutive missed register marks or ten missed register marks (not consecutive) in a rolling ten-week period will result in fixed penalty notices. Please see: Working together to improve school attendance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Useful websites:
Maths: mathsoftheday.org.uk
TTRockstars (Time Tables), Spag.com and maths.co.uk - Message Mr O on Teams if you've forgotten the password login:
Reading: Find the right book for you and even read the first chapter for free to see if you like it! https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/