Robins 2024 - 2025

Mrs Roberts

Welcome to Robins Class!

Mrs Roberts is the lead teacher in Robins class, working with Miss Gabriel and Mrs Wood.

You can find our long term plan and lots of other useful information about what Robins class are learning below.  This information is a guide to what we will be doing this year.  It is subject to change as our interests may guide us in different directions.  (Making bicarbonate of soda and vinegar 'lava' and looking at stones and rocks have diverted us already because someone made a volcano out of playdough and someone else brought in an interesting rock.)

If you have any questions or would like to know more about Robins class, please email

... or if you are a member of the class, you can message us via the Teams chat function to ask questions or share any information.  You can also share what your children have been doing in the whole class section or the portfolio section of Class Dojo.  We love finding out about what you have been doing.


Just a little reminder about attendance – school can’t authorise term-time holidays and ten consecutive missed register marks or ten missed register marks (not consecutive) in a rolling ten-week period will result in fixed penalty notices. Please see: Working together to improve school attendance - GOV.UK ( 

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