Owls 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hoarty

Mrs Evans

Welcome to Owls Class!

Animal behaviour: Barn owls make mental maps like humans do | New Scientist

Mrs Hoarty is the Class Teacher and Mrs Evans supports the class as one to one Teaching Assistant.

Please see our Meet the Teacher Powerpoint 2024 attached with details of our topics for the year and other information. Please note that PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Homework- spellings are sent out at the beginning of each half term and tested each week on Fridays, Reading Records are to be handed in on Wednesdays and Times tables challenges are on Mondays.  

You can contact me for more information through messaging on Teams or email via the School Office on admin@bishopwilson.cheshire.sch.uk. I am available for appointments after School with prior notice or a brief chat at the beginning and end of the day.

Useful Links:


Just a little reminder about attendance – school can’t authorise term-time holidays and ten consecutive missed register marks or ten missed register marks (not consecutive) in a rolling ten-week period will result in fixed penalty notices. Please see: Working together to improve school attendance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 






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