Art and DT




We try to cover a range of artists, styles, genres, websites and books as part of our curriculum. We aim to teach  lessons that build on prior learning, can be connected to a wider context (e.g. linked with our History or Geography lessons) and provide opportunities to further develop the children’s creative flair.  As well as trying different techniques such as sculpture, painting, pencil drawing and jewellery making, we encourage the children to think critically about images by asking  questions about their own, and other people’s work.

Through Art we interweave these drivers in as many ways as possible.

For example:

Communicators- children will communicate ideas about the works of artists and crafts people as well as ideas about their own work and that of their peers.

Explorers - children will become inspired through studying the works of artists, craft workers and designers from a range of cultures, time and places.

Reading - we encourage children to read Art related information books, books about different artists as well as to read and use new vocabulary relating to their art topics.

Believers  - all children have the opportunity to question, reflect and develop their own creative and aesthetic skills. They will begin to see that there is no “correct model” and that art is a response to the world around us.

We aim to encourage the children to take a pride in their own achievements and to respect their own and other’s work.


Design and Technology (DT)

Design and Technology develops children’s skills and knowledge in design, structures, mechanisms, electrical control and a range of materials, including food. It is often linked with the class topic or our Science lessons and provides an excellent opportunity to foster the children's creativity and encourages them to think about important issues. 

Through Design and Technology (DT) we interweave our drivers in as many ways as possible.

For example:

Communicators- children will communicate ideas and results both verbally and in writing. They will learn to use clear sentences and technical vocabulary. 

Explorers - children will use their creativity and imagination to design, make and evaluate products that solve real problems. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.

Reading - we encourage children to read Design and Technology related information books, books about different designers as well as to read and use new vocabulary relating to their DT topics.

Believers  - all children have the opportunity to develop their own ideas and opinions about their own designs and those of others.

Through these drivers and the delivery of the DT curriculum we want our children to have a love of design, be confident enough to take risks and become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable children.