
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato


Through Music we interweave our drivers in as many ways as possible.  For example:

Communicators- children will explore how music is used to communicate feelings and important messages, they will be able to perform regularly and they will be able to critically and reflectively respond to music that they hear and compose.

Explorers - children will learn to play a range of instruments ( both tuned and untuned);  they will listen to music from other cultures  and composers that they may not hear in their day to day life.

Reading - we encourage children to read new vocabulary relating to pieces of music, they learn words from other languages and explore rhythm and rhyme through learning new songs. They will also begin to read music.

Believers  - all children are able to perform the pieces of music that they learn through different means, They have the chance to compose their own music and believe that music can send messages to others for example ‘Stop’ in Y4 the anti-bullying rap.

Through these drivers and the delivery of the music curriculum we want our children to have a love of music and be able to discuss music. They will have a sound understanding of key musical terms and be able to perform music by reading music on a stave.

In KS1 we aim to give the children the confidence to enjoy performing and listening to music. We concentrate on using our voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes, and every child is given the opportunity to play both tuned and untuned instruments. The children are encouraged to listen to a range of music and to create and perform their own pieces of music.

We use the Charanga Music School scheme throughout the school and this gives KS2 the opportunity to develop their understanding of the history of music. KS2 continue to improve their singing and performing skills and have the chance to improvise and compose their own music.

Year 5 have the opportunity to learn a wind instrument in weekly classes which continue throughout the year.

We also organise several trips, clubs and performances throughout the year including the annual trip to perform at “Young Voices” in the Manchester Arena.